Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome to Seeds!

Welcome to Seeds, a new blog for students and teachers of agricultural economics. For months I had maintained a personal blog that covered a wide range of issues. It was an experiment to determine if I wanted to take blogging seriously and how the blog should be focused. Blogging was fun, but the blog topics were too dissimilar, so I decided to create this blog with a narrower focus.

This narrower focus is my life passion: teaching agricultural economics and helping agricultural business students evolve into successful and happy people.

In this blog, I will post information on teaching, advising, current events that are ideal for the classroom, and similar. For example, one blog entry might concern my research on what constitutes a great teacher, another might review activity on other blogs regarding high food and oil prices, and another might describe my former students, where they work, and the secrets of their success.

I am currently trying to obtain a partner for this blog. Andrew Barkley at Kansas State is my first pick, but I haven't heard whether he is interested yet.

So stay in touch, and let me know what you think.

Best Wishes,