Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

View grades as I am recording them (by your class ID number) here.


Homework 4 is due by 9:00 PM on September 17.

Homework 5 (a small homework) is due September 19 at the beginning of class.

No class Sept 24. I will come during class time to help anyone needing help. You will not penalized if you don't come.

Exam 1 will be given in two parts. Part 1 will be given on September 26, and will very closely resemble Sample Exam 1, Part 1.

Part 2 will be given on October 1, and will very closely resemble Sample Exam 1, Part 2.

Let me know if you cannot access the Google form at the link:

Today's Class

Jacob Rapstine will begin class.

We need a volunteer to begin the next class.

Complete this worksheet where we calculate what premium a business should charge for Guaranteed Tender steaks.