Students, there was a problem in the original data I posted for exam 2: the ID numbers for the egg data (where you are asked to use the VLOOKUP formula) change every time you hit ENTER. I have corrected this problem and have uploaded a corrected data-set here.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
October 24
Permanent Links—
View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.
Your grades can be viewed here.
Please check out the new, and hopefully temporary Impression grade. This is what will happen if students do not volunteer to begin class.
Homework 7 is due at the beginning of class today.
If you are in class all this week you will receive a 100 on Homework 8. Others will have to turn in the completed worksheets that we did in class, but wait until after Exam 2 (you will need it to study).
I am postponing the exam until Thursday, October 31.
A study guide is available here
and the data for the exam can be downloaded
corrected data can be downloaded here
I will not take attendance in class on Tuesday but I will come to aid anyone who needs help studying for the exam (I won't be giving away information about what's on the test though).
Today's Class—
Sam Baseley will begin class today.
Need volunteer to begin class on October 31.
Today we will finish this worksheet which uses these data.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
October 22
Permanent Links—
View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.
Your grades can be viewed here.
Homework 7 is due at the beginning of class on October 24.
I will let today's worksheet on sampling count as Homework 8, so make sure you fill it all out (or as much of the sheet as we cover today). This will count as a medium homework.
With your consent, Exam 2 on CN.2 and TAN.3 will be held Tuesday, October 29. Study guide will be available Thursday.
Today's Class—
Paige Riolo will begin class
Need volunteer to begin next class.
Today we will complete this worksheet using these data.
Today we will complete this worksheet, which will count as Homework 8 (medium homework) and uses these data.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
October 17
Permanent Links—
View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.
Your grades can be viewed here.
[Regarding his first consulting job]…[My boss] gave me a big stack of data…[and said]…we need to figure out how to help them get their drugs approved faster…I turned to him and said, so what do you want me to do? And he said we are not paying you all this money for me to tell you what to do. You’re just supposed to figure it out. Of all the things I learned [in consulting] that was one of the most important: that you actually are supposed to think…If you reflect back [to college] we never ask kids to really think. The secret to getting good grades in college is to memorize a bunch of stuff. The idea that now I had to have an original thought was shocking.
—Levitt, Steven (interviewee). November 21, 2012. “I Consult, Therefore I Am.” Freakonomics [podcast]. Stephen Dubner [interviewer]. National Public Radio.
Homework 7 is due at the beginning of class on October 24.
I haven't received the survey from Newby or Gulick yet (see October 8 announcements.)
The deadline for the Creative Project: upload presentation to YouTube by 3:30 PM on November 5.
I have added Homework 6 grades, as well as your answers and my answer key. You can challenge me on my answer key and we can discuss the homework, if you like.
Today's Class—
Kurt Gulick will begin class
Need volunteer to begin next class.
After this, I will ask each person to take this survey and tell me if you see any problems. If it looks okay we will have other people take it also and analyze the results.
Will continue working on this worksheet. Either open your saved spreadsheet from last class or use this one
Then we will complete this worksheet using these data.
And then we will complete this worksheet using these data.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
October 15
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
October 15
Permanent Links—
View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.
Your grades have been updated at here, which includes your grade thus far in class and your Exam 1 grade.
You will note that some sections of chapter CN.3 are marked out. This means you are not responsible for that material.
Homework 7 is due at the beginning of class on October 24.
Remember the deadline for uploading your Creative Project video to YouTube is November 5 at 3:30 (see syllabus for details)
The deadline for the Creative Project: upload presentation to YouTube by 3:30 PM on November 5.Today's Class—
Need volunteer to begin next class.
The first thing we will do today is some marketing research on the effectiveness of television commercials. Be ready to leave the room temporarily and then return, and please open this survey.
After this, I will ask each person to take this survey and tell me if you see any problems. If it looks okay we will have other people take it also and analyze the results.
Today we will work on learning the VLOOKUP function and Pivot-Tables in Excel, and then begin working on the chapter (TAN.3) When stochasticity does and doesn't matter.
This will be done by completing this worksheet, which uses these data
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
October 8
Permanent Links—
View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.
Your grades have been updated at here, which includes your grade thus far in class and your Exam 1 grade.
Homework 6, to be completed on Google Forms, is due by the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 15. If you have trouble be sure to watch Video 1 at
No class Thursday (enjoy your Fall Break). However, know that you are responsible for everything in chapter CN,1 and must turn Homework 6 in by October 15.
I want Newby, Avery, and Gulick each to use Google Forms to make a survey asking students which class they have taken thus far was the worst course, and why. Send the link to the survey to me when you are done. Please do this by October 15 class.
Today's Class—
Need volunteer to begin next class.
Today we will work on learning the VLOOKUP function and Pivot-Tables in Excel, following the chapter (CN.2) Averages, Pivot-Tables, and the Vlookup function.
We will only review this chapter in this class, and it will be on the test, so please take it seriously.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
October 3
Permanent Links—
View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.
Your grades have been updated at here, which includes your grade thus far in class and your Exam 1 grade. These are tentative grades, as I haven't double-checked them.
Today we will begin create a data set on students' ability to successfully shoot basketballs. These data will be used to teach how to use Google Forms, how to manage data, and the material in (CN.2) Averages and pivot-tables.Today's Class—
Need volunteer to begin next class.
Hand back Exam 1 and discuss.
Data on basketball-shooting performances in this class and a previous year should be opened at this link.
Notice that we are missing data on the individual shooters for this class. We will create a survey to gather said data.The class will work together on this survey using the public Google form here. Please have this form opened.