Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 24

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

Your grades can be viewed here.


Please check out the new, and hopefully temporary Impression grade. This is what will happen if students do not volunteer to begin class.

Homework 7 is due at the beginning of class today.

If you are in class all this week you will receive a 100 on Homework 8. Others will have to turn in the completed worksheets that we did in class, but wait until after Exam 2 (you will need it to study).

I am postponing the exam until Thursday, October 31. A study guide is available here and the data for the exam can be downloaded here corrected data can be downloaded here

I will not take attendance in class on Tuesday but I will come to aid anyone who needs help studying for the exam (I won't be giving away information about what's on the test though).

Today's Class

Sam Baseley will begin class today.

Need volunteer to begin class on October 31.

Today we will finish this worksheet which uses these data.