Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21, 2013

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

Your grades can be viewed here.


No class on November 26, because I'm more popular if I do that kind of thing. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

For the remainder of class we will be studying a single, new article: (CN.4) Regression

Today's Class

Begin studying (CN.4) Regression by completing this worksheet.

There are two data-sets for today. The softball data are here and the basketball data are here.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

Your grades HAVE BEEN UPDATED and can be viewed here.


Homework 10 is due by the beginning of class on November 21, and is completed in Google forms (electronic submission only, no hard copy to submit).

Today's Class

Today we should finish discussing the content in chapter (CN.3) Correlation (also causation?)

Be prepared to take notes.

There are no data for today.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14, 2013

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

Your grades HAVE BEEN UPDATED and can be viewed here.


Homework 9 is due by the beginning of class on November 19, and is completed in Google forms (electronic submission only, no hard copy to submit).

Today's Class

Today we will continue taking notes on chapter (CN.3) Correlation (also causation?), using the data at,3/(cn,3)QuestionsData.xlsx, paying particular attention to section F.

At the last 20 minutes of class students who missed questions 5-9 on Exam 2 can take a similar set of questions to potentially regain half the points they missed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

Your grades HAVE BEEN UPDATED and can be viewed here.


Homework 8 was merely your participation in last week's projects. If you missed only one class you received a 50, and if you missed both you recieved a 0. Everyone else received a 100. If you didn't make a 100 you can listen to a Freakonomics or Planet Money podcast, write a 500 word summary of the podcast (making sure it is obvious you listened to the whole thing), and briefly describe it orally to your classmates. If you missed two classes you must do two of these if you want a 100. Please let me know which podcast episode you wish to listen to before you do it, so that no two students listen to the same one.

Exam 2 answer key is here

Homework 9 is due by the beginning of class on November 19, and is completed in Google forms (electronic submission only, no hard copy to submit).

Today's Class

Today we will take notes on chapter (CN.3) Correlation (also causation?), and we will use the data at,3/(cn,3)QuestionsData.xlsx

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 7, 2013

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

Your grades can be viewed here.


I will hand back Exam 2, and the grades have been entered, but I haven't finished checking all the grades in the link above, including the "final grade thus far" category. You are welcome to begin checking Exam 2, but wait to ask questions about all the grades posted on the spreadsheet. If you feel you deserve partial credit for a question you can submit to me in hard copy a typed explanation of (a) the question (b) why you feel you deserve partial credit and (c) your original test. I will then consider awarding partial credit, but no guarantees. Partial credit will only be considered for those questions involving Excel (not short answer questions).

Today, all guys should go to AGH 412 at the normal time. Girls should not come to class until 3:45, and should come straight to AGH 412.

Today's Class

Project to be revealed in class.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5, 2013

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

Your grades can be viewed here.


Sorry. The tests are not graded yet.

Today I will split the guys and girls for different tasks. Girls will stay in the lab and guys (after we chat a little in the lab) will go to AGH 412 for the rest of class.

On Thursday, all guys should go to AGH 412 at the normal time. Girls should not come to class until 3:45, and should come straight to AGH 412.

Hope you didn't forget that the class project should be uploaded to YouTube by 3:30 today, and you should email me the link to your video.

Today's Class

Jordan Wright, without an once of trepidation in her bones, will begin class today.

Need volunteer to begin class on November 12.

The projects done in class this week will count for one medium homework grade.